In conversation with: Sheila Hutchinson

Our Cultural Heritage Manager Christelle Pellecuer met with Sheila Hutchinson in order to capture her inspirational story. Read her special blog here:


Sheila is based in Somerset but as she was visiting her daughter in Bristol, I took the opportunity to meet up with her and discuss her early life in Antigua, growing up on a sugar plantation. Sheila is a great storyteller and listening to her narrating her own story, I could picture life in Antigua in those days. Sheila moved to the UK at the age of 18 to work for the NHS and she has made important contribution in the sector and has passed on her skills to numerous students over the years. We also discussed living in Britain today and Sheila sees the next generation as change makers and see movement such as Black Lives Matter as a positive way to move forward towards a better society. 

You can listen to my conversation with Sheila here: